
Robert Schwarztrauber views photography not merely as a means to capture and record visual images for fun and profit, but rather as a unique vehicle to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

“There exist in everything created, by man or by God, an inherent beauty. What better way to live can there be, but to wake each day and look with expectation for what’s beautiful…find it, photograph it, and share it with others!”

Robert has won over 17 awards in International Photo Competitions for his work. But he is more proud of his work and success in helping others

His passion for photography was first explored in high school where he spent many hours each week taking photographs with film and processing them in the darkroom. Now, through digital photography, has Robert explored and gained a better understanding of the full range of opportunities that photography can provide for better health, wealth, and wisdom.

For most of his career, Robert was a service manager dedicated to resolving problems and making things better for his clients. Recently, he has chosen to focus all of his efforts on helping individuals overcome their physical and mental challenges through photography.

On his website TotalFitnessPhotography.com , Robert reports on opportunities for better physical and mental health through photography. Articles there reflect his own research and that of other noted experts on the connection between the physical act of getting up and out to take photos and its power to improve the entire body when combined with the stimulating brain and thought activity involved in photography. Robert’s many expert articles on this topic may also be found at EzineArticles.com.

As a member of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), Robert is committed to helping others advance their skill in the art of digital photography as well.

Creator of “The Original Photoshop Tip Cards”, he offers everyone the opportunity to improve their photographs and income opportunities using Photoshop Digital Image Editing software. His tips, tricks and secret shortcuts for improving the quality of your photos using Adobe Photoshop software can be found on his blog at PhotoshopHouseOfCards.blogspot.com or at PhotoshopTipCards.com. Many of his wonderful images can be enjoyed by visiting his online gallery.

Robert is also a special contributor at TodaysPhoto.org where you can read a review for his “Change Your Life in A Flash” program.

His commitment to helping people improve their health, happiness, and skills with photography is shown in the many resources he provides online and off:






Be sure to read his healthyPhotographer monthly newsletter where you’ll find all the latest tips, tricks and secret shortcuts for making your life better through photography.